1. Allison

    Glad it is working. If ever you consider sending her back to public school for high school or something, I would recommend getting her tested for a disability. If ADHD or other factors get in the way of her learning (like taking hours to do something), she would qualify for a 504 plan and can get assistance and accommodations to help her thrive. If there is more going on, she could qualify for an IEP where she can get additional support. I know there can be stigma attached in certain places, but it is pretty common for students to have a plan. About 25% of my students are on an ed plan.

    • sueboo

      I think we probably will send her back. Possibly even next year. And I’m almost 100% certain ADD is what she is dealing with. So yeah, an IEP is probably in her future. We went to our doctor to discuss treatment options a few months ago and I’ve been doing a lot of research on my own. I’m so glad we have this year to figure things out without the pressure of the school environment. That way when she goes back she’ll be armed with tools to help her navigate it better. Thanks for the tip!

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