1. Allison

    That seems like a fair trade off. She still got her music but had to face some sacrifice for it. We call enabling, “dysfunctional rescuing”at my school because in the end it is not helping the kid at all.

    • sueboo

      I feel SO bad for you teachers, who bear the brunt of all the “dysfunctional enabling” we parents do. Just yesterday I got a call from the school asking if I wanted to excuse another daughter’s absences at school. I didn’t know she’d been absent, so I checked in with her to see why she had missed those classes. Not satisfied with her answer, I called the school back to tell them the absences were not excused and to go ahead and exact whatever consequences are associated with that. They actually complimented me! Which says a lot about the response of the average parent nowadays. Strange that people somehow think that escaping consequences is preferable to personal growth.

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